Monday, 11 March 2013

Don’t ask yourself

Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. ~Attributed to Howard Thurman

In May of last year Mathew, my youngest son, who had been with WORKSPACE since 2000 when we started manufacturing said that he wanted to leave to concentrate on his passion for drumming. Two years ago he had rejoined the Cape Town Highlanders and has worked himself up to not only second side drummer and also teaching drumming at Bishops. To follow your passion is great to enthuse youth by that passion is even better.

To agree, let Mathew leave to pursue that love I had no problem with as he was just emulating that which I do on a daily basis that is following my passion in design.

 To finance his passion he decided to start his own company “DESIGN EXECUTIVE BARS” focusing on the hiring out Bars for functions and similar commercial social events. Through the services of Workspace Solutions the bars were to his directive designed and manufactured to his directive. With the marketing concept we decided to aim more at the executive end of the market where there seemed to be an opening for a quality well designed product whilst still keeping functionality to the fore. 
The product as seen in the photographs uses a combination of glass and stainless steel cladding on a steel knock down structure that gives an ease of transport and combination of assembly formats. I believe the illustrations show we have successfully fulfilled the brief.

To anyone wishing to follow their passion the words attributed to Howard Thurman are a positive motivating factor BUT accept that at times following your passion can be a lonely place being out there on your own not being able to share that which drives you forward, nevertheless for me the pro’s far exceed the con’s.

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